As public institutions and workplaces around the world take action to prevent the spread of COVID-19, our team is prepared to continue welcoming our members and guests by taking both general precautions and more to serve in the unique circumstances of a coworking space.

Here we share what we’re doing and what you can do to help.

As always, C3 Village provides hand sanitizer at the front desk and antibacterial soap in the bathroom and near the sinks. Take advantage of the hand sanitizer on your way in, and remember to wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds. In case counting or singing “Happy Birthday” is too boring, we’ll be posting some other fave 20-second song lyrics above the sink for you to hum along to!

While our cleaning crew will wipe and disinfect handles and surfaces after hours, the front desk staff will also periodically clean door handles and the most commonly touched surfaces at least once in the middle of each workday. If you’d like to wipe off your own chair, desk, or workspace before you get going, the front desk is stocked up and can provide you with cleaning wipes as well.

Avoid touching your face, eyes, or mouth at all times and don’t cough or sneeze uncovered or into your hand.

For the benefit of all, please stay home if you have traveled recently to any of the affected regions or if you experience flu-like symptoms–and make sure that any guests or colleagues you bring into the space are aware as well. It is not safe to return to public spaces until you’ve been symptom-free for 24-hours without the aid of medication.

Our staff has committed to practicing the same amount of caution.

Any questions? Please don’t hesitate to let us know!

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